Ancient People of Santa Clara River Valley

Randel McGee is a professional storyteller and decorative paper cutter who often visits the Santa Clara branch of the public library. The Santa Clara Historical museum sponsors Mr McGee.
Every year at Swiss Days in Santa Clara a Swiss themed puppet show is sponsored by the Santa Clara Historical museum. 🙂 Swiss Days is held the 4th weekend in September at Santa Clara Town Hall, come check us out!
Check out this cool website link about the ancient people who used to call Utah “home”!
The ancestral Pueblo people residing in the Mesa Verde region and surrounding areas became agricultural societies, likely during the Basketmaker II period (about 500 BC to AD 500) as domesticated corn found its way north from what is now Arizona. Farming became the main source of food, but Pueblo cultures see farming and their crops as much more. Historical and contemporary accounts from Pueblo people regard farming and the crops, especially corn, as the essence of their culture, structure for their families, and infiltrating every part of their lives. A member of the Hopi tribe, Donald Dawahongnewa, once told a group of students at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center , “When we look at our crops… we don’t look at them as numbers, we look at them as our children. That’s how we look at our plants; we treat them like that. And so when you go to your field you sing a song and your children will hear you singing, they will say, ‘Our daddy is coming here.’
Ancient native peoples of the Santa Clara river valley communicated in ancient writing on walls. Hundreds of Hieroglyphs/Petroglyphs and rock writings have been left by the ancient peoples on the rock outcropping above the Santa Clara river.
Check out this cool article! The ancient people who used to call Utah home:
2603 Santa Clara Drive
Santa Clara, UT 84765
Located Downstairs
(435) 879-5297
March to October Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 2-5pm
Open by appointment
Contact for more information: (435) 632-7040
Closed November to February